Membership Tiers
Our coach-led mastermind groups are a place where finance professionals come together and help each other to grow and flourish.
For digitally enabled peer-to-peer support in your leadership role. All our qualifying joiners go onto the Free Membership. Get invited to our meet-ups, core events and webinars and stay up to date on the latest topics.
- Community support through our Slack group
- Join our virtual learning events
- Invitations to our exclusive meet-ups
Our unique coaching formula generates optimal value when those relationships of trust are built at the deepest level. The strongest features of the mastermind formula are amplified when we get together, discuss challenges and solve problems.
£2,500 a year
- Everything in Free plus
- Mastermind coaching delivered through the year
- Unique formula developed in-house optimizes the balance within your coaching group
- The most complete way to extend your professional network, learn and grow with your peer group
- Coaching sessions delivered in private rooms at exclusive central London venues
Used by the world’s most innovative teams

"The Mastermind group was a great forum to discuss relevant topics or issues with a peer network. We covered topics from fundraising, founder relationships through to reporting tools."

Mike Feely
CFO Unmanned Life

"The mastermind coaching was an expertly facilitated opportunity to share and learn from my peers. It was a superb learning and development opportunity, so much so, we plan to keep it going."

Tom Coward
CFO Cytora

"The Startup CFO mastermind coaching created a safe space to discuss the detailed realities of our roles with experienced peers. That opportunity is not easily available elsewhere, I thoroughly recommend it."

Colman Stephenson
For peer-to-peer support for your leadership role
- community support through our slack group
- Join our virtual learning events
- Invitations to our exclusive drinks meet-ups
In addition to our Slack group, benefit from our peer-to-peer derived knowledge centre
£600 a year
- Everything in Free plus
- Access the summarised knowhow of hundres of CFOs
- Member incentivises for high contributing participants
Pro 'virtual'
We have developed a unique formula for coaching with access to a vast range of experience, insights and wisdom from other leading finance professionals
£1,750 a year
- Everything in Free plus
- Mastermind' coaching delivered through the year
- Unique formula to optimise the balance within the group
- Guarantee members satisfaction with this hybrid of coaching and mentoring
Our unique coaching formula generates optimal value when those relationships of trust are built at the deepest level.All the best features of the mastermind forumla are amplified when we get together, share stories and solve problems.
£2,000 a year
- Everything in Free plus
- Mastermind' coaching delivered through the year
- Unique formula to optimise the balance within the group
- Guarantee members satisfaction with this hybrid of coaching and mentoring
- Based out of London venues with private rooms and break-out spaces